Karaoke Police: Oxymoron / 2015 / Performance in collaboration with: Monika Lipšic, Marija Olšauskaitė, and Jurgis Paškevičius; featuring: Jokūbas Čižikas, Gunnar Gunnsteinsson, Brynjar Helgason, and Olga Tsvetkova / Presented at Kunstverein during SPF15, Amsterdam (NL)
This performance was a storytelling tour about opposites and the origin of the word 'Oxymoron'. A scientific experiment to make a moron smart by adding oxygen into his head failed and resulted in a man who can only think in contradictions. He searches for love, but only finds people who either love him when he is smart, or are charmed when he is stupid, but never both. He is doomed until one party when he meets a couple and finds love in three.