Narrowcast / 2014 / Performance in collaboration with Rosa Sijben / Presented at the Altes Museum (Mönchengladbach, DE) with the support of Külturburo
Narrowcast was a storytelling performance made for two people at a time. Leading the visitors through the now empty "old" museum of the city, Rosa and I told a love story about a hotel maid who tries to communicate with guests in the rooms she cleans. She tries to speak to them without words by playing a game of carefully arranged object compositions. Eventually she finds one guest that starts to play along and with whom she falls in love.
The performance included the work "Radio Eiken" by Norbert Krause and was part of the "Things are Happening" series by Sijben. Photos by Vesko Gösel and Ilgner Detlef. Special thanks to: Johanna Fleischmann and Thomas Hoeps
A review of the performance was made by Dirk Richerdt for the Rhenishce Post: Bizarre Erlebnisse mit July im Hotel